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high waist butt lifter black leather colombian jeans
butt lifter black leather colombian jeans
butt lifter black leather colombian jeans
black leather colombian jeans

56754 Colombian Jeans

Regular price $79.99


DESCRIPTION Colombian jeans, high waist, butt lifter, Black leather effect. It helps you control those unwanted love handles and highlights your curves, shapes your legs and flattens your abdomen with a control effect.

Garment details: Fitted silhouette with push up effect. Wide 4-button cut-out waistband. Decorative trims with embroidery and metallic supplies. Skinny boot with lace screen and rhinestones.


Jeans colombianos, tiro alto, levanta cola, Efecto cuero en color Negro. Te ayuda a controlar esos rollitos indeseados y resalta tus curvas, moldea tus piernas y plana tu abdomen con un efecto de control.

Detalles de la prenda: Silueta ajustada con efecto push up. Pretina ancha 4 botones con cortes. Ribetes decorativos con bordado e insumos metálicos. Bota skinny con pantalla en blonda y pedrería.

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